YouTube love story a fake

The woman behind the Man in the Jacket YouTube clip has revealed that she is an actor and that the video was a fake.

The woman behind the Man in the Jacket YouTube clip has revealed that she is an actor and that the video was a fake.

The blonde has admitted that she is an aspiring actor and model who was employed by Witchery Man.

Her real name is not Heidi – but Lily, confessed the actress in her second YouTube video.

Watch Lily/’s confession.

The original clip where “Heidi” confessed her love has been viewed nearly a 150,000 times. The clip drew suspicion from media and members of the public when the jacket on display was seen to have a label for a brand that was yet to release. More suspicions arose after it was also revealed that “Heidi’ bore a striking similarity to a model featured in Witchery’s latest campaign…

Watch the original Man in the jacket video