Watch Movies On PS Vita Portable Gaming Console

  • Popular PS games being released
  • Aussie developers making games
  • Just under $350

Sony has released its latest portable gaming console, the PlayStation Vita, which is claimed to be packed with innovative hardware features, immersive games content and a range of social applications. 

It features a 5-inch OLED screen, physical PlayStation gaming buttons, dual analogue sticks, motion sensor (SIXAXIS), front and rear cameras and a rear touch pad. It has multiple social applications is claimed to have a solid range of games content available and further connection to PlayStation Network.

The line up of games to purchase for PS Vita, includes over 25 titles such as Uncharted: Golden Abyss, WipEout 2048, Everybody’s Golf, Lumines, Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour Edition (SEGA) and FIFA Football (Electronic Arts). The games portfolio is set to expand with the introduction of major franchises confirmed for PS Vita such as LittleBigPlanet, Resistance: Burning Skies, through to Bioshock (2K), Assassins Creed (Ubisoft) and  Call of Duty®  (Activision). Australian-based game developers such as Nnooo, Tantalus, Big Ant and Torus have also confirmed they are developing for the platform.

You can peruse your social networking sites via the device, such as Facebook, Twitter and Flickr. In addition, bespoke PS Vita social applications like "Near", "Party” and “LiveArea” will provide gamers with new ways to connect with each other.

The PlayStation Video Store, that offers blockbuster movie content on demand from all the major Hollywood studios, will also be available to play on the unit.

Wifi $349.95
3G/Wifi $419.95