V-Tech game outrage

A flash game depicting the the recent shootings in the US has been condemned by bloggers worldwide and Communications Minister Senator Helen Coonan.

The game was created by an unemployed 21-year-old called Ryan Lambourn, who was born in the United States and moved to Australia when he was 14. He now lives with his parents in western Sydney.

V-Tech Rampage features a character based on South Korean-born Cho Seung-hui, who last month gunned down 32 fellow students at the Virginia Tech campus in the worst such shooting incident in US history.

Mr Lambourn fuelled the outrage by posting a “ransom” note on his website offering to remove the game if he received $US2000 in “donations”. For another $US1000, he promised to apologise for the stunt.

“The individual responsible for the game is using a terrible tragedy to draw attention to himself and his work,” Senator Coonan said in a statement. “It is in very poor taste and the person concerned may want to consider getting some professional help.”

In addition, the US company that was hosting Mr Lambourn’s personal website and the game has taken it offline and replaced it with a page that says the account has been suspended.

The game, however, is still available on a popular game portal website called newgrounds.com that is also hosted in the US. The site shows that V-Tech Rampage has been played over 50,000 times since it was uploaded earlier this week.

Source: SMH

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