Uni develops tool to searh out child pornographers

A partnership between WA police and the Edith Cowan University has resulted in a new technology that will allow law enforcement officers to know if a computer contains illicit videos or photos.

A partnership between WA police and the Edith Cowan University has resulted in a new technology that will allow law enforcement officers to know if a computer contains illicit videos or photos.

The police believe the technology will be instrumental in capturing users of child pornography. The program known as Simple Image Preview Live Environment (SImPLE) can be used to review the content of a hard drive – searching for illicit images. If found a USB DVD can be plugged in to store the images on – thus maintaining a clean chain of evidence.

SImPLE is planned for release in February 2009.

Speaking to The Australian, WA Police computer crime squad Detective Senior Sergeant Tim Thomas said the tool would enable investigators to more quickly access information relevant to cases.

“Assuming that SImPLE goes the way we hope, we would plan for a very wide deployment in the agency,” he said.

The tool will also lighten the load for computer crime forensic specialists… “If the project is satisfactorily completed, we would certainly be encouraging its release as widely as possible because it is going to improve policing and services to the community,” said Thomas.

Source: The Australian