TIME Magazine announces their video game Top 10

As this is the news blip for 2007, it’s only fitting that TIME Magazine have announced what they consider the Top Ten Video Games of 2007.

As this is the news blip for 2007, it’s only fitting that TIME Magazine have announced what they consider the Top Ten Video Games of 2007.

Most of you probably would expect Halo 3 to take out the number one spot… and you’d be right. It’s followed in close succession by The Orange Box with favourites like Super Mario Galaxy taking our the fourth spot, BioShock taking out the fifth, and even Ace Combat 6 taking out the ninth spot.

The yet-to-be-released here music simulation game Rock Band from Electronic Arts took out the third spot so we can only assume it’s as good as everyone’s telling us. I guess we’ll find out in the new year.

Source: TIME Magazine