Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles return later this year!

Everyone’s favourite mutant amphibians with a taste for sharp objects are back in a new game from Ubisoft.

After a pretty lackluster set of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles releases over the past few years, Ubisoft look set to rectify everything with a new game slated for later this year in Australia’s spring.

The new game is being developed by Game Arts, the team who were behind last year’s hugely successful Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It doesn’t have a movie tie-in. There’s no TV show coming along that will have its name attached to the title. We haven’t even heard of a comic book that’ll come with it, though that is possible later down the track.

What it looks like is that Ubisoft are producing a good old fashioned Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle brawler just like Konami used to do in the 90’s. It’ll even sport the four-player gameplay too!

Remember how many coins you pumped into the arcades with Hyperstone Heist? That sort of fun Turtles game is coming and it’s coming for the 25th anniversary of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

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