T-Shirt Hell shuts down

An online store for T Shirts – T Shirt Hell – has been forced to close after the owner, Aaron Landau Schwarz, aka “Sunshine Megatron”, was hit with an enslaught of hate mail and death threats.

An online store for T Shirts – T Shirt Hell – has been forced to close after the owner, Aaron Landau Schwarz, aka “Sunshine Megatron”, was hit with an enslaught of hate mail and death threats.

The company caused a recent furore amongst human rights activists after printing a shirt proclaiming “It’s not gay if you beat them up afterwards”.

Schwarz was forced to close the “Worse Than Hell” section of the website – which carried the most offensive shirts – after one of his opponents reportedly poisoned him, forcing him into hospital.

Schwarz stlll maintains that the sentimentsexpressed on the shirts are ironic.