Software Keeps Track Of Learner Drivers

  • Download off the internet
  • Tracks learners hours
  • Info backed up daily

Australian company E-Log Systems is in the process of releasing a new, patented iPhone app Australia-wide, aimed at doing away with the falsifying, misleading and incorrect entries into Learner Drivers’ log books.

Learner drivers in most Australian States and Territories are required by law to input entries into a log book before and after completing every driving session, until they reach their minimum required hours.

By downloading and using LDR, learner drivers will have a tool to help them accurately track and record all their driving sessions, no matter how long or short.

On completion of each driving session the supervising driver signs off the driving session with a signature using his/her finger on the iPhone screen.

All driving sessions are submitted via the LDR app to a secure website, backed updaily, and available for viewing online through the LDR website.  Learner Drivers can see via a Google Map overlay exactly where they have driven, how far and at what dates/times leaving little doubt in any roads officers’ mind as to the accuracy of data. Furthermore detailed driving session printouts are available in accordance with each state/territory requirement.