Senator Conroy fights cybercrime

Communications Minister Senator Conroy wants to tackle cybercrime at a global level. The minister is tipped to push for a new approach to internet crime.

Communications Minister Senator Conroy wants to tackle cybercrime at a global level. The minister is tipped to push for a new approach to fighting cybercrime when he meets with other influential pundits at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on the future of the internet economy, in Seoul next week.

Senator Conroy said he discussed e-security with many nations “one on one” at a recent Asia-Pacific Economic Forum telecommunications meeting, “and I’ll be championing those issues in Korea”.

He added: “We need to be alert to the new and inventive ways criminals are using the internet, and we need greater international co-operation.”

“No one jurisdiction can win these battles, particularly against organised crime.”

Conroy will chair a round table discussion on the importance of the internet to the economy and concerns including cyber-fraud, privacy breaches and protection of minors online.

Meanwhile, back home in Australia, Senator Conroy has launched an internet alert service aimed at assisting individual and small business users. The Stay Smart Online service is part of the Government’s $44 million dollar campaign to improve cybersafety.

It is a free service provided by the Australian Computer Emergency Response Team (AusCERT), that will put out alerts on and tell users how to fix problems.

Source: Australian IT