Second Life kidnap plot revealed

A US woman who was dumped by her virtual boyfriend on Second Life has attempted to abduct the man in real life.

A US woman who was dumped by her virtual boyfriend on Second Life has attempted to abduct the man in real life.

Kimberley Jernigan met her Cyberlover on the popular virtual website Second Life and the pair began an online relationship which ended abruptly after the man met Ms Jernigan in person.

Since the online break up Jernigan has attempted to abduct the man at gun point from his workplace in Pennsylvania. When this attempt failed she posed as a postal worker for several days until she could gain access to his home address details upon which time she is alleged to have driven to his apartment with fresh plans to kidnap her ex.

Jernigan is alleged to have broken into his apartment, where she then lay in wait for the man; armed with a taser, handcuffs, a bb gun and a roll of electrical tape.

The man is said to have fled from his house after opening the door and seeing a laser-sight pointed at his chest, narrowly escaping Mis Jernigan’s clutches. He then called the police, however Jernigan fled the scene before they arrived.

Jernigan was said to have left behind her dog (whose mouth she had taped closed with duct tape so it wouldn’t bark) the duct tape and the handcuffs.

State Troopers later apprehended Jerniogan at a Kia Rio service station. She is currently being held in custody awaiting bail (to the tune of $US 65,000).

Source: The Sun