Samba de Amigo
Originally created by Sonic Team, Samba de Amigo takes maraca shaking and makes it a bright & colourful experience for the Nintendo Wii.
There was a time when Sega created games that gamers loved. They were based off of original IP and had unique designs, control schemes, and were so creative that they made themselves a place in the heart of gamers who grew up with them.
I’ll just say that it is quite fun but sadly the songs run for too short a time. With levels peaking at anywhere between one and three minutes, songs tend to be a lot shorter than they normally would be and you find that the moment you start really enjoying yourself, the song ends. Aside for having some of the weaker recreations of songs, this time limit placed on songs really does strangle how much fun you’ll get out of Samba de Amigo especially if you start getting into the game.
Affecting the title worse than the time limit, however, is Samba’s sensitivity levels found in the controls: they’re just plain awful. Play the game in easy mode and you’ll have a fun time of it but stick it in any other difficulty and Samba de Amigo just becomes mindless trash. Moves don’t seem to be translated well or quickly enough and as a result, you’ll start losing the game (and the monkey’s fans) quicker than you can say “Arriba!” Outside of the single-player, you can stick Samba de Amigo into a two player mode and go for your life, but the difficulty problem with controller issues is present there too. If you’re playing with friends, you’re both less likely to notice it because it can still be fun, but by yourself it becomes more of a yelling festival as you try and work out how Gearbox managed to get this thing through beta without seeing all of the problems. And if you manage to grab the Wii-racas, just be aware that because the plastic thick and orange, your motion sensor won’t work at all when they’re inside the accessory (hint: next time they need to make them out of something a bit more clear). Funnily enough, if you’ve got friends who hate video games or don’t exactly find a passion in them, they will probably love the craziness of Samba de Amigo regardless of its problems. A party in a box despite its flaws, Samba is a somewhat worthy remake for those days where you just need to samba.Developer: Gearbox Software
Publisher: Sega
Classification: G
Formats: Nintendo Wii
URL: Samba de Amigo
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