Robotic suit now available to help you walk

Your grandparents might be walking faster than you if this new robotic suit is a sign of what’s to come.

Your grandparents might be walking faster than you if this new robotic suit is a sign of what’s to come.

A few years ago, Japanese professor Yoshiyuki Sankai started work on a robotic suit called HAL-5, an almost wearable armour that had motorized limbs and aimed to boost the amount of power the person had when their brain opted to move limbs. The original design wasn’t meant to make you a super-human with a sort of exo-skeleton, but rather was developed for the elderly and handicapped in order to give them that precious liberty of walking.

Production of the HAL-5 began in 2006 and now it’s ready: people who want to begin to walk again need only pay around $3000 per month for the rental of this miracle for walking.

But while army nuts might see this as being the perfect weapon in their never ending battles, give up hope now as Professor Sankai has turned down military interest.