So it borrows from a few other franchises – we don’t care, it’s a great game….
Publisher: THQ and Konami
By Mike Wheeler
Ok, so there’s no secret that this game has similarities to Zelda, and for those purists amongst you who like originality, this might be a bit of a disappointment. However, DON’T let your prejudices stop you from playing this game! It’s a little beauty and there’s lots of fun to be had as you go around destroying demons, trolls, angels and everything in between.
You are War, one of the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse, and have been summoned forth to redress the balance between heaven and hell when the Third Kingdom (man) that provides the aforementioned balance, is attacked. However, War’s summons turns out to be a trick, and the powerful Charred Council that is charged with keeping the balance demand his death. War asks for a stay of execution if he can prove his innocence. The Council agree, and then the adventure begins.
For this single-player action adventure there is a huge array of tasks and game play while trying to achieve the end result. So how is the gameplay? Very good. War kills with ease, and the controls are very malleable. There are a couple of quirky things I liked about the controller (Xbox 360) – like when you hit the RB button he skids ahead, which is really handy when fighting powerful enemies, and how simple it is to fight, shoot and run at the same time.
There are several of ways of killing the demons and angels you come across as you set about completing tasks. Ways of dispatching foes include via War’s sword, a throwing arc (bit like a boomerang), a gun, fists as well as stamping on some of the weaker opponents. There are a variety of demons to kill – from human zombies, which die very easily, through to a variety of Bosses, which can take some time to send to the after-after life. There are many wonderful surprises on the way – such as figuring out a plethora of puzzles – which kept my interest the whole way through.
My only complaint – and it is a minor one – is that there are occasions where instructions could be a little bit more clearer when preforming some tasks.
4.5 Shacks out of 5
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