Retailer gets a shock from returned Xbox 360

An American retailer got the shock of their life when a returned Xbox 360 was discovered to be little more than an empty shell filled with a lot of junk. Upon opening the box after the customer had left with their money, the store found completely random cables, an official Xbox headset, and a Xbox 360 case filled with a used medical textbook.

An American retailer got the shock of their life when a returned Xbox 360 was discovered to be little more than an empty shell filled with a lot of junk.

Upon opening the box after the customer had left with their money, the store found completely random cables, an official Xbox headset, and a Xbox 360 case filled with a used medical textbook.

We’re hoping for that store’s sake that the customer’s credit card details were saved from this sly maneuver, but if you’re thinking even remotely about doing something like this, be aware that stores might just now open up their Xbox’s to not be burned like this.

Source: YouGamers