Primus battles bill shock

We’ve all done it at one time – opened up a bill and nearly fainted at the cost thanks to excess download charges. Well Primus plans to change all that…

We’ve all done it at one time – opened up a bill and nearly fainted at the cost thanks to excess download charges. Well Primus plans to change all that…

The telco has launched a monthly mobile broadband service capped at $49.95 for 6 GB of data with the service being shaped back to a slower speed once the data limit is reached. The plan will be available to customers that sign on to a two year plan. A larger data allowance of 12GB is available for $79.95 per month.

Currently most mobile broadband users face excess usage charges at a high rate (usually from 10c an MB)

Primus Australia CEO, Ravi Bhatia said: “Today’s consumers want the freedom to be online at any time and the existing mobile broadband pricing packages have potential risk for excessive and unexpected download charges, often amounting to several hundred dollars in a month.”

Source: The Australian