Power Saver Device Withdrawn

  • Company contravenes Trade Practices Act
  • Offered unprovable claims
  • Stopped from selling Enersonic Power Saver

Bronze Swan will no longer sell the Enersonic Power Saver device after the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) raised issues about the effectiveness of the device.

From March 2009 to April 2010, Bronze Swan marketed the device, which plugs into a standard electricity outlet and which purports to reduce the user's electricity consumption. Bronze Swan sold around 2100 devices, each typically costing $139.95.

The ACCC was concerned that claims by Bronze Swan on its website and in its promotional material that the device would reduce consumers' electrical consumption and cut their electricity bills, were misleading and deceptive, or likely to mislead or deceive, in contravention of the Trade Practices Act 1974.

The ACCC has accepted court enforceable undertakings from Bronze Swan that it will:

  • not engage in the retail sale, marketing or distribution of the Power Saver
  • display a corrective notice on the Bronze Swan website for three months
  • display the corrective notice for a period of 12 months at each trade or agricultural fair or home show that it attends
  • send a copy of the corrective notice to all consumers and agents that purchased the Power Saver, and
  • implement a trade practices law compliance program.