Norton 2009: Gamer reviews 3

Here’s a group of reviews from SGL gamers who got their hands on a copy of Norton Internet Security Suite 2009.

Here’s a group of reviews from SGL gamers who got their hands on a copy of Norton Internet Security Suite 2009.

acren2x wrote:
I’m not going to gush or anything, but for an anti-virus, Norton 2009 is pretty good.

It stands up on its own anyway, but when you consider what people at SGL got, like the silent mode that doesn’t disturb your PC, the remove of that god-awful LiveUpdate feature that killed previous versions of Norton products and the really low memory usage of the software as a whole, it’s a pretty good package.

One that has convinced me to renew when it runs out next year. Thanks SGL, and thank you Symantec for sponsoring them.

David wrote:
I got a free copy of Norton Internet Security Suite 2009 at the Sydney Gamers League in October. It was free on the condition that I wrote a 50 word review of it.

So: it’s fast, I like the silent mode which lets me game in peace and quiet, it doesn’t slow down my machine and it’s easy to install and remove.

Henry wrote:
I’ve never really used anti-viruses. My computer’s never been high-end and games run slow enough as it is without having extra programs stealing my CPU.

I only installed Norton 2009 because it was free. I got a free copy at SGL, as long as I wrote back with a review.

I’ll keep Norton on my PC for only one reason: it doesn’t slow down my PC. When you have a low-end piece of crap, you check the Task Manager often to see what’s chewing up your memory. Norton hardly uses any – around 10 megabytes, which is nothing compared to games, videos, Firefox or even MSN or Notepad! It’s a quiet little thing, and the updates are nice and small too.

Norton doesn’t update when I’m using a full-screen program either, which is great, because my computer would die if it tried. There’s a bunch of other things, like password managers and some identity protector thing, but I really don’t care about that. Norton 2009 suits my computer and my purposes, so I’ll keep using it until it runs out.

funboy wrote:

Norton Internet Security Suite 2009 is the best anti-virus package I’ve used. It’s also free, if you went to SGL and wrote a review.

It’s quick, thanks to the silent mode, uses little memory, again thanks to the silent mode, updates fast, but never when you’re playing a game, and it installs and uninstalls quickly, without clogging up your machine with any useless rubbish.

Which is pretty much everything I’ve ever wanted from an anti-virus. Thanks Symantec.

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