New Software Tracks Kids Net Usage

  • Software offers snapshot of kids on net
  • Can be installed undetected
  • Subscription based

A new online service providing an instant record of your child’s internet usage is now available.

8snaps is aimed at parents who have no idea of their teen and pre-teen children’s computer usage and covers all web and social networking sites.

For example Facebook has just launched its Places application which allows ”friends” of your children to know their exact location (in real time) via Facebook updates on their mobile phones. The potential for abuse by cyber bullies, paedophiles and perverts is now greater, claims the manufacturer of the software.

8snaps lets you know who your child is “chatting” with and what they are organising online via social networking sites such Facebook or MySpace. The 8snaps service is an easy-to-use parenting tool that can be installed undetected, or used as a deterrent, to detect if your child strays onto inappropriate sites or is not unwittingly coming into contact with dangerous situations.

8snaps records all computer activities including social networking pages such as Facebook and MySpace that are being used unmonitored by millions of children every day.

Current internet technology works on blocking words and known sites – thousands of sites exist on the internet explaining how to block or bypass these filters.

How is 8snaps different?  Every time your child turns on the computer and connects to the internet a small program (installed in minutes via an internet download) begins taking a snapshot of the screen every 60 seconds.

These snapshots are then sent to your private online account where they can be viewed on any web browser. The images provide instant real time updates on what your child is viewing as well as a history of computer usage. It does not block sites and won’t slow the computer’s operating speed.

The snap shots are viewed online in the same way you would look through a photo album.  It requires no more technical skills than using a hotmail account.

The images can be stored, printed out or used as evidence for an investigation if dangerous people or cyber bullies are detected.

He said 8snaps allows parents to make immediate judgements on their children’s contacts and viewing habits and “pull the plug” or inform the appropriate authorities immediately.

8snaps can be used for free to 31 December 2010.