Napster launch download store

Napster has launched the world’s largest MP3 download store, with more than six million songs available DRM free.

In a direct challenge to the mighty Apple iTunes store, Napster has risen like a phoenix from the ashes to launch the world’s largest MP3 download store with more than six million songs available to download free of copy protection

Whilst the service is currently only available to consumers in the US, the company is tipped to roll out the service worldwide. At present, songs sold through the Napster service will be DRM free allowing them to be used on multiple devices.
Songs from Napster will be sold at $US0.99 each or $US9.95 for an entire album.

Speaking to Reuters correspondent Yinke Adegoke in New York, Napster Chief Chris Gorog said:
“We’re now moving from under the DRM cloud. Now consumers can use Napster with any device.”

Previously users of Napster’s all you can eat style downloads had been unable to listen to their music on Apple’s iPod devices, however the new service will allow users to automatically synch MP3s bought on Napster with their iTunes library if desired.

Napster is the latest name to join the ranks of recent music industry partners who might help tip the balance of power back from Apple in favour of the major labels.
Mr Gorog commented that Napster would still support its subscription service which he hoped would grow as people became more aware of it.
“We believe ultimately that consumers will be moving to an unlimited music model,” said Mr Gorog.


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