Myspace Raises White Flag To Facebook

  • MySpace syncs with Facebook
  • Allows you to share content from both platforms
  • Allows you to Sync to Twitter, too

Rupert Murdoch is a canny businessman, and knows an opportunity when he sees one. With numbers from NewsCorps social networking platform, MySpace, on the decline, the company has decided to add an application that allows users to sync their MySpace page with their Facebook page.

Once bitter enemies, Facebook has been adding members at a huge rate, while MySpace’s numbers have been declining.

Sync with Facebook allows MySpace users, musicians, and celebrities around the world to sync their status updates with their Facebook profile or page, while also offering them the ability to share content such as music, videos, links and photos with their friends on Facebook.

Sync with Facebook allows users to keep their friends on Facebook up to date on everything, including sharing songs, latest photos, fun game apps, and more.

The opportunities to experience and share this type of entertainment content are endless. This is particularly exciting for artists who can now use this tool as a complement to their MySpace Music presence and share their vast library of content, including full album catalogs, to people who’ve liked their Facebook Page.

Users continue to have the option to sync to Twitter as well. Once you've synced your Facebook account, simply update your status on MySpace as you normally would (from your Home page, Status and Mood page, or mobile phone). When you update your status on MySpace, it will then be shared with friends on Facebook. This new sync functionality is part of an ongoing effort to make it simple for people to share their updates beyond MySpace and allow fans and friends to interact with that content across the web.