More Content With Navteq

Navteq adds a couple of content strings to its bow

Mapping software provider Navteq has added new options from the Australian Good Food & Travel Guide (AGFG) and Lonely Planet.

The AGFG offering includes reviews for restaurants, wineries and independent accommodation for more than 75 cities and towns throughout Australia.

AGFG for NAVTEQ: Travel Guide – provides detailed reviews for thousands of points of interest (POIs). This POI content will enable navigation applications and devices to provide trusted local insight, helping end-users make more informed decisions on where to eat, what to see and how to spend their leisure time.

AGFG’s location data is matched to the NAVTEQ map, with updates and other changes coming at regular intervals.

Lonely Planet for Navteq is claimed to lend itself to quick and flexible integration into location-aware applications.

The Lonely Planet Guide software will cover 19 cities in Australia and New Zealand, with expansion planned to other countries such as India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand soon thereafter.

Offering reviews for thousands of points of interest (POIs) throughout Australia and New Zealand – both of which ranked among the top five travel destinations according to Lonely Planet’s 2008 Travellers’ Pulse Survey – the content enables navigation applications to provide recommendations about where to stay, eat or spend leisure time.

Lonely Planet content is matched to the Navteq map, enabling consumers to navigate to their desired destinations. Navteq also leverages integration-friendly formats and innovative location referencing which will speed integration into customer applications.  Updates will be added to Lonely Planet’s content on a regular basis.