Microsoft To Take On Nintendo

Rumours have been circulating for a few days that Microsoft might be bringing out its own motion stick

Quite a few news outlets have reported that Microsoft has filed a patent for what is being described as a ‘magic wand’ type device that seems will perform the same function as Nintendo’s Wii motionplus controller.

Microsoft applied for the patent almost two years ago, and stated amongst other things that the unit would “utilise one or more sensor from a collection of sensors to determine an orientation or gesture in connection with the wand”.

The rumour mill is also stating that the unit will be on display at the E3 games expo, which is on between June 2-4, in LA.

Expect a price/gaming war to break out if the magic wand makes an appearance, because Nintendo’s monopoly on casual gaming, which utilises this type of interactive product, will have suddenly disappeared. Will Microsoft be as good at Nintendo’s Motionplus? We’ll know in about a month’s time.