Mick Keelty the brunt of cyberjoke

Australian Federal Police Chief Mick Keelty has been the target of a cyberprank with his Wikipedia page labeling him a crack pot.

Australian Federal Police Chief Mick Keelty has been the target of a cyberprank with his Wikipedia page labeling him a crack pot.

Keelty’s Wiki page was edited by cyber vandals to change his listing to portray him as a deranged conspiracy theorist.

The rewrite was discovered by journalists at the Sun Herald who were researching for a feature story. It appears an as yet unidentified hacker attributed ficticious quotes to Keelty that included such comments as:

“The Americans should stop looking for Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. I have particularly sensitive intelligence from aliens – he’s living in an outside dunny in Dubbo.

“At this time he is training terrorist pixies and raising an airforce of stealth budgies to strike at the heart of the infidels, Allahu Akbar.”

and: “I have very little intelligence. I’m a little teapot.”

And under the heading Crime of the Future he was recorded saying: “One day there will be a man with a black outfit and a really fast black car and he will be called Batman.”

Former Australian Defence Force commander Peter Cosgrove was also thrown into the mix, with the exclamation: “Keelty’s a bloody idiot! He’s off his medication again!”

Wikimedia Foundation Advisory Board chairwoman Angela Beesley said the person who made the edits infiltrated the site from outside. “The article has now been temporarily semi-protected,” she said, “which means that only registered users of Wikipedia can edit the page.”

Source: Sydney Morning Herald