Manhunt 2 is coming… will controversy follow?

Take-Two announced this week that Rockstar Games will be bringing the sequel to its controversial, ultra-violent snuff-stealth game Manhunt to the Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable.

Game development is being handled by the newly formed Rockstar London with a little help from the original Manhunt team, Rockstar North. Wii porting duties will be helmed by Rockstar Toronto (The Warriors).

The official Manhunt 2 site has also gone live with a brief look at the game. The trailer clocks in at less than a minute and offers very little in the way of gameplay or in-game scenarios, instead opting to hint at the game’s themes and cast of characters. The game now focuses on a new lead named Daniel Lam, a patient who must escape from what appears to be a mental institution.

Source: Kotaku

Related Links: Manhunt 2 Official site

Considering the original Manhunt game courted so much controversy here in Australia (the original game was refused classification by the OFLC after being sale previously for 8 months), its going to be interesting to see how this latest game is perceived and if it will pass under the radar of the heavy-handed OFLC. Watch this space as the news develops…

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