LG to launch KC780 camera phone

LG have been making some killer phones of late – and anyone interested in what the LG crew have to offer in the camera phone range will be jumping for joy at the release of the KC780

LG have been making some killer phones of late – and anyone interested in what the LG crew have to offer in the camera phone range will be jumping for joy at the release of the KC780

With plans to win the camera phone megapixel war, LG are launching not just the eagerly anticipated Renoir (KC920) but the new KC780 as well.

At just 13.9mm thick this phone sports a 2.4″ LCD screen and a Schneider-Kreuznach lens on the back. So what you say? Well the LG folk have added a few interesting face enhancing features to the camera phone – such as smile detection and Beauty mode to deigitally remove that nasty blemish…
The camera phone features and outstanding ISO 1600 shooting mode so should do well in ;low light and built-in image stabilization means none of those blurry drunken images….

The phone can also record videos at 640 x 480, and can act as a wireless Bluetooth webcam for a PC.

Price and Australian release dates yet to be announced.

Source: Engadget