Jobs, not sick – just hormones

Apple head honcho, Steve Jobs has put an end to speculation over his ill health and non appearance at this year’s MacWorld – citing hormones as the culprit.

Apple head honcho, Steve Jobs has put an end to speculation over his ill health and non appearance at this year’s MacWorld – citing hormones as the culprit.

Last year, Jobs, normally a regular attendee and keynote speaker at the conference announced he would not be appearing at MacWorld 2009, setting off a flurry of rumours regarding his health – especially given his previous bout of pancreatic cancer and dramatic weightloss in the past 12 months.

The Apple chief exec has finally decided to put the rumours to bed and released a statement saying his condition was hormone related and that he would remain CEO of Apple.

“I will be the first one to step up and tell our Board of Directors if I can no longer continue to fulfill my duties as Apple’s CEO,” said Jobs.

Mr Jobs is seen as the key driver behind Apple’s most successful products, including the iPod and iPhone.
