Get your most sinister sightings online

Most people think of their local park as a shiny happy sunny fun place – children playing, dogs cavorting, people frolicking… but not the folks at Atari

Most people think of their local park as a shiny happy sunny fun place – children playing, dogs cavorting, people frolicking… but not the folks at Atari... Oh no…

They want you to take your camera and head down to your local park in order to capture the creepiest ,scariest image you can find. Why? To help promote their new game, Alone in the Dark, the company have launched a ‘Sinister Sightings’ competition inviting intrepid photographers to capture the bizarre and scary on camera; with the scariest image walking off with an XBox 360 for their efforts…

Photographers can upload their images to the website and viewers can then vote for the scariest image. Each week the top rated pic will score a copy of the Alone in the Dark soundtrack with the image with the most votes at the end of the competition walking away with the XBox 360 prize.

So if you reckon your local park has what it takes to make people scream in fright – head over to the Sinister Sighting site and give it a go…