Film companies plan simultaneous DVD & TV roll out…

Forget waiting for months after a DVD releases to watch the same film on Foxtel – as a major distributor plans simultaneous release of films across media channels.

Forget waiting for months after a DVD releases to watch the same film on Foxtel – as a major distributor plans simultaneous release of films across media channels.

According to reports in the Australian, Franchise Entertainment Group director Paul Uniacke has suggested a major film company will commence simultaneous rollouts of films on DVD and video on demand by March; allowing consumers to legally download a film from Foxtel, TiVo or BigPond as soon as it is available in DVD form in video stores. Uniacke believes the other distributors will also soon follow suit.

Earlier this year Apple struck a deal with several studios including 20th Century Fox, Paramount and Disney for the sale of movies via their iTunes store on the same day as the DVD release.

Uniacke believes the planned simultaneous rollout will give consumers more choice. “It’s like people order takeaway food but they still go to restaurants as well.”

Source: The Australian IT

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