Facebook users fall victim to virus

Facebook users have recently come under attack by a trojan worm called Koobface that disguises itself as an email that then directs them to a malicious website.

Facebook users have recently come under attack by a trojan worm called Koobface that disguises itself as an email that then directs them to a malicious website.

The dodgy emails have varied subject lines from “Maan,yyou’re great!” to “your ass looks not bad in this video”, “Some0ne thinks your special and has a *Hot_Crush* on you. Find out who it could be*” or a youtube link that says ‘”i can see yooooooooo”.

Unsuspecting users that click on the email will find their account hacked. The worm searches for Facebook cookies and then modifies the user’s account settings and profile – sending messages to friends in the users list directing them to a website where they are asked to install a video player upgrade – the “upgrade” then searches the victims computer for facebook cookies – and so on…

Facebook is currently working on ways to disable the attack…

Source: news.com.au

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