Facebook seeks users advice on terms

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has called for input from users on the site’s terms and conditions after recent uproar over policy changes.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has called for input from users on the site’s terms and conditions after recent uproar over policy changes.

Zuckerberg said Facebook would seek input from users on the next revision of the policy and it would be “written clearly in language everyone can understand”.

Users that want to have their say on Facebook’s new terms are encouraged to join the Facebook Group called Facebook Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.

With more than 175 million users currently registered on Facebook, the company has recently been looking at ways to monetise their database. According to reports on news.com Facebook is rumoured to generate $US100 million to $US300 million a year ($156 to $470 million), most of it through an advertising deal with Microsoft, which owns a 1.6 per cent stake in Facebook.

Where Facebook could really make oodles of casg though, is through its user information – currently used to target advertising – Facebook could seel the data on to consumer research companies…. it is here that the use of user’s private information becomes so contentious.

Source; news.com