Dodo fined for dodgy telemarketing

Dodo have been fined over $100,000 for trying to flout the Do Not Call Register.

Telco company Dodo have been fined $147,000 for getting offshore call centres to make around 70 calls to numbers on the Do Not Call Register (DNC).

119 complaints were filed with the Australia Communications and Media Authority between July 20 and October 18 last year from people on the DNC.

To avoid court action, Dodo signed an agreement with ACMA to enforce the creation and record-keeping of all phone calls for the next three years.

Because Dodo have signed the agreement, the investigation is now closed, although Chris Chapman, chairman of ACMA, said Dodo could have been penalised more heavily if the matter was taken to court.

“If you are in business and hire offshore call centres to make telemarketing calls, you need to be extremely diligent in overseeing what they do. You can’t hide behind offshore call centres, because ultimately the calls they make are your responsibility.”

Source: The Australian