Dell to release Tablet PC in 2007

No longer sitting on the Tablet sidelines, Dell has finally unveiled plans to release a Tablet PC later this year.

Companies like Hewlett-Packard, Fujitsu, and Lenovo have embraced the Tablet PC form-factor. Dell will no longer sit on the bench and instead will get into the game the latter half of 2007.

The company posted a short minute-long video on its Direct2Dell blog site which discusses its new Latitude XT Tablet PC. The Latitude XT will be marketed at the education, medical and corporate sectors according to Dell’s Jeff Clark.

Clark notes that the device will be one of the lightest Tablets in its class and will feature advances in the touch-screen interface to make it more practical to use. The prototype that Clark showed off in the video features a 12.1″ widescreen display running Windows Vista. All of the usual connectivity options are there including Bluetooth and WiFi along with a fingerprint scanner.

Source: DailyTech, Direct2Dell blog

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