Cybersmart Hero Head Bullying Initiative

  • Viral video highlights bullying
  • National Anti-Bully day March 17
  • Lesson plans to help teachers deal with cyberbullying

Coincidental or not, timing of tomorrow’s  National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence couldn’t have been more appropriate due to the release of this video that has gone viral all over the world.

Now the Australian Communications and Media Authority is in on the act by trying to educate people using CyberSmart Hero activity to highlight the problem.

“Bullying is not just an individual issue — peers, parents and schools have a positive and practical part to play – indeed, a role to discharge – in ending bullying and finding solutions,” said Australian Communications and Media Authority Chairman, Chris Chapman.

The ACMA’s key messages for a bystander witnessing cyberbullying are: 

  • Don’t just stand by. Speak out.
  • Protect and support your friends
  • Tell a trusted adult

To mark the ‘Bullying No Way!’ day, the ACMA is providing a suite of lesson plans for teachers across Australia on how to prevent and manage cyberbullying, as well as staging a National Cybersmart Hero event created to tackle cyberbullying.

Cybersmart Hero is a one-hour, online in-school activity for students in grade five and six that addresses the responsibilities of the people in the best position to influence cyberbullying —the bystander. The lesson plans bring the discussion into the open and encourage students to tell their parents or teachers.