If you got your internet bill and you want it to be cheaper, quit complaining and just say “at least I’m not in Kazakhstan!”
If you got your internet bill and you want it to be cheaper, quit complaining and just say “at least I’m not in Kazakhstan!”
Kazakhstan, home of fictional character Borat, is providing DSL service through it’s national provider at the low, low price of… $3,350 US per month. Ok, so maybe you’re used to the high-speed ADSL2 connection and plain old vanilla ADSL won’t cut it for you; well, there’s always a 6 megabit cable connection going for only $22,032 per month.
Rest assured though, as dial-up is still available if you’re feeling cheap. At only $111 per month, you too can get the joy and luxury that only a 56k modem can give you.
Brought to you by CyberShack.com.au