CDMA network to shutdown from April 28

The CDMA network looks set to close from April 2008 – with the Minister for Broadband, Communications and Digital Economy saying Telstra had satisfied its obligations.

The Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy, today announced that Telstra has met the requirements to allow closure of its CDMA mobile phone network from 28 April 2008.

Urging anyone who still has a CDMA phone to “make the necessary
arrangements to switch to another network as quickly as possible,” the Senator stated he is satisfied “that Telstra has met the equivalence tests in its licence condition and has sufficiently rectified the problems I identified in January, including handheld handset coverage, customer information provision and the availability of equipment and services.”

Telstra has committed to continue to resolve customers’ issues through its dedicated 1800 888 888 freecall hotline and handset replacement program for people experiencing Next G coverage difficulties until 1 July 2008.

Senator Conroy has advised that before complete cessation of the CDMA service, Telstra will report to him so he can can assess “whether the level of demand warrants an extension of the programs”.

From July 1, Telstra will continue to offer handset exchanges in genuine cases using its established mobiles customer service phone-line on 125 111.

Customers who do not believe they have had their network switchover issues resolved using Telstra’s hotline will still be able to contact the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy on freecall 1800 883 488.

According to Conroy the “hotline was established to assist customers not receiving equivalent handheld coverage and as a result, Telstra has reported that thousands of those customers have received free handset upgrades or other equipment and assistance.”

Reported by: Cec Busby