Call of Duty: World at War open beta available for download

The beta version of Call of Duty: World at War is up for download, and everyone can join in.

Details of how to join the World at War beta were announced last week, but now the beta itself is finally up for download!

To sign up for the beta, just visit the Call of Duty website (link here) and once the key lands in your e-mail, head over to Filefront.

You’ll need 846mb on your cap – should be easy, being the end of the month – and you’ll get access to the beta until it closes.

Once the beta ends, all accounts, experience and friend lists will be deleted, but World at War isn’t expected in Australia for a couple of weeks, so if you’ve got nothing to do, why not give it a go?


Call of Duty website
Filefront COD: WAW Beta download

Source: 1UP