Blog your way to an early grave

Today’s Sydney Morning Herald posted some interesting news for those of us that maintain a blog… could all this blogging end in an early demise?

Today’s Sydney Morning Herald posted some interesting news for those of us that maintain a blog…

The recent deaths of two high profile technology bloggers has highlighted the enormous pressure these oft time freelance journalists face in trying to keep posts up to date within a medium that never sleeps…

According to the SMH, in March, 60-year-old Russell Shaw, a prolific US blogger on technology subjects, died of a fatal heart attack whist in San Jose covering a technology conference. In December, another American technology blogger, Marc Orchant, also had a heart attack and died, aged 50. A third, Om Malik, 41, survived a heart attack the same month. Begging the question is all this time spent in front of the computer leading to an early grave?

Speaking with the SMH, Michael Arrington founder of tech blog, Techcrunch said he has gained 13.5 kilograms in the past three years, developed a severe sleeping disorder and turned his home into an office for him and four employees. “At some point, I’ll have a nervous breakdown and be admitted to the hospital, or something else will happen. This is not sustainable.”

Bloggers, often paid by the post, face an increasingly competitive work environment. Scoops can be the difference between 1000s of click throughs on an article – with the most timely post usually walking away with the kudos and the ad spend…

Source: Sydney Morning Herald

Reported by: Cec Busby