BB10 Might Never Get Instagram

  • There may be a different Instagram version
  • Puts BB ever farther behind Apple and Google
  • Working out the technical issues

To add fuel to the lack of major app support on the BlackBerry 10 OS, it looks like a native Instagram app won’t be coming to the new OS either, adding another reason for consumers to lo

  • There may be a different Instagram version
  • Puts BB ever farther behind Apple and Google
  • Working out the technical issues

To add fuel to the lack of major app support on the BlackBerry 10 OS, it looks like a native Instagram app won’t be coming to the new OS either, adding another reason for consumers to look elsewhere.

Even with Facebook, Twitter, and FourSquare on board, the ecosystem doesn't currently have much to offer that its competitors don't do better.

It's a bit curious that Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, wouldn't see the light of day on BB10 even though the social network was already on board. However, sources close to Instagram said there were no plans in place for a native version of the app on BB10, and that they weren't sure it would ever happen.

Instagram is currently available on the App Store and Google Play. Adding a third platform into the mix should bolster some more numbers for the service, along with giving Blackberry users another app on their devices.

That's not to say a version of Instagram won't be brought to the OS, as the company is apparently working on a port of the Android version of the app.

Facebook and Instagram have final say as to whether or not the port is strong enough to be put on BB10 smartphones, meaning there's a chance Instagram may not appear on the OS in any shape or form. BlackBerry and Facebook are reportedly trying to work out the technical issues plaguing the current port of the Android version, however there doesn't appear to be a solution in sight.

BlackBerry is already lagging far behind competitors Apple and Google, and the lack of the consumer favorite app could mean something really bad for the future of the app ecosystem.