ATO falls prey to phishing scam

If you receive a message from the Australian Tax Office in your inbox this week – you’d be best off ignoring it – as the ATO has fallen prey to a phishing scam.

If you receive a message from the Australian Tax Office in your inbox this week – you’d be best off ignoring it – as the ATO has fallen prey to a phishing scam.

The scam email offers refunds from the tax office. The email uses the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) logo and has “Notification – Please read’ or ‘Australian Taxation Office – Please Read This” in the subject line.

The message includes a link that directs users to a fake website that looks similar to the ATO’s and collects credit card and personal details.

Scam emails with different subject headings could also be making the rounds.

Tax Commissioner Michael D’Ascenzo wants to remind the public that the ATO never sends emails requesting personal information.

“People should be wary of unsolicited emails claiming to be from the Tax Office. As an extra precaution we recommend you type internet addresses directly into your browser rather than clicking on links embedded in emails,” said Mr D’Ascenzo.

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