Amazon announces new Kindle

While Aussie E book fans are still waiting for a break on the E Reader front, Amazon announces a new version of the gizmo that started the revolution – The Kindle.

While Aussie E book fans are still waiting for a break on the E Reader front, Amazon announces a new version of the gizmo that started the revolution – The Kindle.

The new souped up Kindle is said to be slimmer, faster and hold a larger library – increased from 200 titles to 1500.

Amazon Chief, Jeff Bezos announced the new Kindle to a 300 strong audience at New York’s Morgan Library.

“Our vision is every book ever printed, in every language – all available in less than 60 seconds,” said Bezos.

To pump up the enthusiasm for the Kindle Bezos also announced the planned release of a new novella by popular author Stephen King. The novella, titled Ur, will be available exclusively on Kindle.

Amazon will begin shipping the new Kindle from February 24. There is still no news whether Australia will get the Kindle.