ACCC Takes On Pre-Paid Phone Card Company

Australia’s consumer watchdog is alleging that a pre-paid phone card company has been charges extra fees on its products

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has instituted legal proceedings against a company that sells prepaid phones cards.

The ACCC is alleging that CardCall Pty Ltd has contravened the Trade Practices Act 1974 in relation to the sale of its Talk Tomato, Daybreak, OZcall and Its Green pre-paid phone cards.

The ACCC alleges CardCall represented certain phone cards would provide consumers with a specified amount of call time when that was not the case, and that the company represented that no fees other than timed call charges would apply when in fact other fees were charged.

The ACCC is seeking declarations that CardCall’s conduct breached the Act, injunctions, corrective advertising, community service orders and costs of the proceeding.