Playstation Move

The PlayStation Move controller has a rubberised ball that is capable of switching colours through some LED lights that are places at the bottom of the ball.

The PlayStation Move controller has a rubberised ball that is capable of switching colours through some LED lights that are places at the bottom of the ball.

The controller has the traditional DualShock3 buttons and also two new buttons, the T Button and the Move button – and yes, it does vibrate. There’s also a PlayStation Move navigation controller, which is an extra peripheral used to enhance the gameplay in some titles.

After a simple calibration, as part of the game set up so that the eye knows where you are, it’s time to Move. By tracking the sphere, the PlayStation Eye can tell exactly where you are and which direction you are moving, and the Eye does track your upper body movements as well.

The first game I played was PlayStation 3 Sports Champions, which packs archery, beach volleyball and bocce, amongst others. Playing table tennis confirmed the accuracy of the PlayStation Move – it delivered an authentic top spin, slice and smash feel.

Similarly with The Fight – it wasn’t just the punches, but the bobs and weaves that were all instantly reflected in the game.

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