Sony Cuts Price On PS3

Sony is about to release its new PS3 console at a much cheaper cost.

After much local and international criticism, Sony has cut the price of its latest PS3 console, to make it more competitive with its rivals.

The price cut was mooted by a string of media in the CE sector, and will be designed to claw back Sony’s shrinking share in the gaming market due to cheaper consoles like Wii and the Xbox 360 selling by the truckload.

Sony has always argued that its console offers more functionality and better componentry (and with blu-ray and BD Live it’s hard to argue against the former point), but perception of an overpriced console amongst the public, hasn’t done them any favours.

This new unit will have a 120GB Hard Disk Drive and cost $499.95. The company has also announced it will reduce the price of both the 80GB and 160GB HDD units in the US but there is no mention of such reductions in the Australian market.

So what are the specs and features of the new console? The internal design architecture – from the main semiconductors and power supply unit to the cooling mechanism -has been completely redesigned, achieving a slimmer and lighter body. Compared to the very first PS3 model with 60GB HDD, the internal volume as well as its thickness and weight are trimmed down to approximately two thirds.

Sony also claims power consumption has been cut by two-thirds, helping to reduce fan noise.

It will still have high-definition Blu-ray disc (BD) movies and games, as well as various content and services downloadable through the network.

System software will be upgraded to version 3.00 on September 1. The update adds various features such as the “What’s New” screen, where users can quickly browse the new items available in PlayStation Store, as well as their recently played games directly on the XMB (XrossMediaBar), with short cuts to each piece of content. PS3 will evolve continuously with the system software updates. PS3 owners will be able to access new features by updating the PS3 system software to version 3.00 via the “System Update” function on the XMB3.

The new PS3 system is also equipped with the Bravia Sync feature. By connecting the new PS3 system and a Bravia TV with the HDMI cable, users are able to directly operate the XMB on PS3 using the TV remote control. Other functions include “System Standby” that will automatically turn off the PS3 system when the BRAVIA TV is turned off.

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