Review: Alien Syndrome
Originally released as an arcade game in 1987, Sega’s Alien Syndrome is a remake of a classic top-down shooter where you’ll fight your way through a space station of evil alien creatures hell bent on your destruction. While that might sound like an otherwise enticing premise, it doesn’t work.
Alien Syndrome is one of those games that you’ll probably look at at and go “hmm, this might be good”. So you go out and get the game for your Nintendo Wii, pop the disc in and as it loads into the Wii interface you start thinking how cool this is going to be.
All of that aside, you can start wandering through the levels which are more or less all the same. Much like the original, you’ll be tackling the game from a top-down view. The only real difference is that the developers have felt the need to confine that experience within the grips of a weak and ugly 3d engine.
As you push on, you’ll find your way littered with irritating and ugly 3d alien creatures who you’ll try to mow down with your gun but who will ultimately always kill you. Did I mention that you’ve only got one-life to live? If you die, it’s back to the drawing board. So you’ll do this again… and again… and again… I tried liking this game, I really did. I went at it with an open mind, saw the name “Sega” and got excited. And after playing it, I felt the urge to throw the game box out of a window. My only true salvation is that the box sort of smells like green tea ice cream. Seriously, I cannot contain how bad this game is. It just seems like it’s been poorly planned and released on the cheap. The story goes nowhere, the weapons you might “upgrade” to seem to do less damage, the sound is flat and boring, the art direction leaves a lot to be desired, and ultimately it’s boring. You will end up playing the same recycled enemies time and time again who seem to spawn themselves in and out of the space-time continuum as if it’s no big deal. The sad truth of the matter is that while Alien Syndrome tries to stay as close & fun to its predecessor as it possibly can, it really only fails and leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth. Developer: Totally GamesPublisher: Sega
Classification: M
Formats: Wii
URL: Alien Syndrome Reviewed by Leigh D. Stark