Huge Uptake Rate For Tablets In Oz

  • 2.3 million sales expected by end of year
  • Less costly devices most popular
  • Huge growth expected over next four years

A local analyst firm, Telsyte, says that the Australian tablet market grew 188 per cent year-on-year in the first half of 2012 and is on track to reach 2.37 million units sold by the end of the ca

  • 2.3 million sales expected by end of year
  • Less costly devices most popular
  • Huge growth expected over next four years

A local analyst firm, Telsyte, says that the Australian tablet market grew 188 per cent year-on-year in the first half of 2012 and is on track to reach 2.37 million units sold by the end of the calendar year.

Telsyte estimates that the penetration of media tablets is around 15 per cent and is set to double to 30 per cent in 2013. More than half the population is forecast to be using a media tablet by 2016, an uptake rate comparable to smartphone penetration today.

“Media tablets are a rapidly growing opportunity for vendors and media organisations. Within four years half the population will be relying on such a device for a lot of their computing needs, covering education, entertainment, productivity and other applications,” Telsyte research director, Foad Fadaghi, says.

The market is being shaped by three main trends: price competition; global litigation; and growing mainstream user adoption.

Price competition is being facilitated by a range of new affordable models, including Asus’s Google Nexus 7. These devices typically come without 3G or 4G radios making them less costly to produce. Telsyte also believes that Apple will release a smaller form iPad in the second half of 2012 to address the changing market opportunity. Similarly, Microsoft’s Windows 8 Surface RT tablets are expected to snare some of the market too, when it comes out later this year.

Litigation is being led by two of the main players in the market – Apple and Samsung – with the former winning a recent case in the United States. However, there are plenty of other cases between the two companies in various countries around the world, with suits, countersuits and appeals likely to last for years to come.

Wifi-only media tablets are also growing in popularity with home usage emerging as the primary usage destination.

The market leader remains Apple, and Telsyte estimates its share will remain around three quarters of the market for at least the next 12 months.