Getting Kinected With Microsoft

Microsoft’s new Kinect motion controller was revealed at a press conference at E3 in Los Angeles.

The much-hyped accessory will be availale in Australia sometime in November with up to 15 games also being available that will use the technology.

Microsoft’s new Kinect motion controller was revealed at a press conference at E3 in Los Angeles.

The much-hyped accessory will be availale in Australia sometime in November with up to 15 games also being available that will use the technology.

Critics who think gaming turns aficiandos into couch potatos will be pleased to learn that this will get people up and about as your limbs become the controller.

It is seen as the next step in game controlling with two cameras used to capture movement as you play the game. Sony is bringing out a controller that is similar to the Wii, the Move, in the near future for its PS3 console.

While there is an argument that Sony Computer Entertainment is on the back foot as far as motion controllers, Xbox has taken a leaf out of its rival’s book by announcing a new slimline Xbox 360 at the event, too. The new Xbox will have wireless internet connectivity capability, as well as being a lot quieter and will be available in Australia from July 1.

Kinect $TBA
Xbox $449