Gears of War gets grease for Christmas

Gears of War 2 fans get a present for Christmas in the form of a patch.

Epic have finally responded to the matchmaking issues that have plagued the multiplayer from release by issuing a patch.

Unfortunately, if you’re looking for a match by yourself then Epic can’t help you.

“The problem seems to be heightened for parties of 1 and parties of 4 so please try to invite at least one friend into your party before matchmaking.” wrote Fergusson, senior producer at Epic, on the official GOW2 forum.

But it’s not all a waste of time. After a match, you can now play in a Private server with everyone from the previous game, saving time for clans who want to war multiple maps.

Along with the patch, Fergusson revealed some Gears of War 2 statistics.

* Almost 3 million multiplayer matches (excluding Private) have been played.
* Almost 1 million screenshot photos have been uploaded to
* The most popular multiplayer mode is Horde.
* The most popular multiplayer map across all modes is River.
* The most lethal weapon is the Gnasher shotgun with almost 29% of all kills.

Source: Shacknews