Filmmaker turns prostehtic eye into a camera

A one-eyed Canadian documentary maker plans to implant a camera in his eye to make a film from his point of view.

A one -eyed Canadian documentary maker plans to implant a camera in his eye to make a film from his point of view.

The filmmaker, Rob Spence has had no vision in his right eye since a childhood accident. Spence has worn an eyepatch for decades but was recently fitted with a prosthetic eye, which is when he made the decision to explore the idea of implanting a camera into his prosthetic eye.

“I was looking at the small camera on my cellphone, and I got to thinking about the Bionic Man,” he said in a recent video on his website.

“I want to turn my prosthetic eye into a wireless camera. Even though I don’t have any money, plenty of people have offered to help.”

Spence is no engineer so he is relying on a group of volountary engineers to aid him in his quest to become part cyborg… Heading up the team of volunteers is Steve Mann, aka Cyberman, a University of Toronto professor who helped found Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Wearable Computing lab and developed a cult following by wearing cameras and computers on his body since the 1980s.

“If I’m Luke Skywalker, this guy is Obi-Wan Kenobi,” Spence said.

Watch this short video from AP