Arcade Game Breaks Arms

When you play arcade games, you usually expect to go home with less money but one thing you don’t usually expect to go home with is a broken arm.

When you play arcade games, you usually expect to go home with less money but one thing you don’t usually expect to go home with is a broken arm.

In Japan, Atlas are pulling their “Arm Spirit” arm wrestling game from the market after 3 arms were broken from playing. Only 150 of the arcade games were released and consisted of a screen with a lifesize mechanical arm protruding from the cabinet on a table.

Atlas have said that the machine isn’t all that strong and that some players must have twisted their arms in an unnatural way. Still, if you’re looking for someone you don’t think you can beat in real life, this game might just have the challenge you’re looking for when it’s safer version gets released later on.

Arm-wrestling game recalled after players break arms

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