All Abuzz With the Buzzbox!

A new way of VoIPing cuts out the Internet

A Western Australian University has invented a way of making phone calls over the internet, without actually having to hook into the Internet. Weird but true!? Inventor Professor Kevin Fynn swears by his new Buzzbox.

Not only is it easy to use, he says he his 70 year old mother set up the box in quick-smart time.

The Buzzbox allows all Aussies (in the city or in the bush) to make low cost phone calls using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) but without needing a broadband connection, without needing a computer and without needing to change the way they use their home phone. In addition, there is no long term contract or monthly service fees. All users need is their standard, plug-in-the-wall telephone. The innovation lies in linking landlines to the Internet – using an old technology in a new way.

You plug the phone into the buzzbox, and then an outgoing line into the phone socket in the wall and you are ready to go! What’s more the unit is free. Buzzcorp, the company that manufactures the products. makes money by users going through their server and then onto the copper lines.


  • 9c local call (less than one minute) – no connection fee
  • 17.5c local call over one minute untimed – no connection fee
  • 49c UNTIMED STD calls – no connection fee

  • 30c per minute calls to mobile

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